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50k Ultra Marathon, Marathon, Half Marathon and 5k Trail Race in scenic Vernon County, Wisconsin.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Early Registration Open for DRIFTLESS 50 Trail Races 2016
Everybody get out your race calendars...Early Bird Registration is OPEN! Hope to see you guys and gals on the trails in 2016. We are keeping course routes the same, with just a little trimming of the fat on the Cheyenne Creek Trails. Race registration prices go up January 1, 2016 and camping reservations fill up quick! Hope to see you all Friday-Saturday September 23-24, 2016.
Friday, October 23, 2015
Men's Results: Driftless 50 Trail Races 2015

Our very first 50k ultra marathon was a great success! We had a huge welcome for our first finisher and current record holder, Nathan Mata! Epic run, Nathan, epic. He crossed the finish line with an impressive time of 5:19:55. He was followed in by Brian Ortell at 5:34:52, Jeff Moeur at 5:51:42, Tom Bird at 6:28:14, Christopher Westby at 6:35:04 and Robert Scherff at 7:21:45. Thank you to all our Men's 50k finishers.
Our first Men's Marathoner across the finish line was Simon Phillips at 4:55:36! Pretty sweet time there Simon! Our first Men's Half Marathon finisher is also our new Half Marathon Record Holder! Congrats to David Bresnahan who holds the record at 1:35:16. We welcomed our first 10k runner back, Michael Etteldorf, at an awesome time of 1:06:46. Way to kick it in Michael!
Thank you to all the guys for joining us this year and we hope to see you on the trails again soon. Congratulations!
Men's 50k Ultra Marathon Results
BIB # | Last Name | First Name | Age Division |
Gender | TIME |
003 | Mata | Nathan | 30-39 | Male | 5:19:55 |
008 | Ortell | Brian | 40-49 | Male | 5:34:52 |
005 | Moeur | Jeff | 30-39 | Male | 5:51:42 |
007 | Bird | Tom | 18-29 | Male | 6:28:14 |
004 | Westby | Christopher | 30-39 | Male | 6:35:04 |
001 | Scherff | Robert | 50-59 | Male | 7:21:45 |
Men's Marathon Results
BIB # | Last Name | First Name | Age Division |
009 | Phillips | Simon | 40-49 | Male | 4:55:36 |
010 | Cain | Michael | 18-29 | Male | 5:23:36 |
005 | Syron | Eoin | 30-39 | Male | 5:35:37 |
017 | Grabhorn | Dale | 40-49 | Male | 5:37:53 |
012 | Champeau | Bill | 50-59 | Male | 5:41:04 |
015 | Storch | Jeff | 40-49 | Male | 5:41:04 |
003 | Elstner | Brian | 18-29 | Male | 5:58:37 |
016 | Roberts | Tim | 50-59 | Male | 6:21:46 |
007 | Stumpenhorst | Dan | 50-59 | Male | 6:39:02 |
013 | Zarecki | Kevin | 50-59 | Male | 6:48:13 |
002 | Peddy | Dorn | 50-59 | Male | 7:22:36 |
006 | Jordan | Josh | 18-29 | Male | 7:25:22 |
018 | Koel | Matt | 30-39 | Male | 7:56:45 |
Men's Half Marathon Results
BIB # | Last Name | First Name | Age Division |
002 | Bresnahan | David | 30-39 | Male | 1:35:16 |
032 | Baker | Josh | 30-39 | Male | 1:53:51 |
017 | Keith | Russell | 40-49 | Male | 2:01:21 |
018 | Wray | Ulysses | 40-49 | Male | 2:15:16 |
011 | Ehrhardt | Vaughn | 40-49 | Male | 2:19:01 |
014 | Kelley | Ryan | 30-39 | Male | 2:43:35 |
023 | Schrader | Matt | 30-39 | Male | 2:43:35 |
028 | Chance | Jason | 30-39 | Male | 2:49:46 |
009 | Schleich | Chris | 18-29 | Male | 2:53:16 |
005 | Foley | Jacob | 18-29 | Male | 2:53:17 |
019 | Blanchard | Jim | 60-69 | Male | 3:04:48 |
004 | Hernandez | Felipe | 30-39 | Male | 3:13:06 |
016 | Quirin | Pete | 70+ | Male | 3:26:39 |
007 | Briscoe | Jim | 50-59 | Male | 4:59:04 |
Men's 10k Results
BIB # | Last Name | First Name | Age Division |
Gender | TIME |
004 | Etteldorf | Michael | 18-29 | Male | 1:06:46 |
015 | Leege | Patrick | 18-29 | Male | 1:13:57 |
001 | Hausfeld | Kevin | 18-29 | Male | 1:16:11 |
005 | Runzel | Brent | 50-59 | Male | 1:30:32 |
014 | Grosse | Marty | 30-39 | Male | 1:31:12 |
006 | Lee | Toby | 50-59 | Male | 1:38:44 |
Women's Results: DRIFTLESS 50 Trail Races 2015

Creek Camp in Hillsboro, WI.
For our very first 50k ultra marathon here in the Driftless area, we welcomed Loretta Tobolske-Horn across the finish line at 6:36:29! Awesome job Loretta and we loved seeing your hubs in the orange Jeep hanging out at Aid Stations and cheering you on via bike on the trail. Thank you to Amy Lim and Sam Turco for following in at 7:15:03 and finishing together...you girls rock!
Great job Madeline Harris! Madeline crossed the finish line for the Women's Marathon at 5:00:58. For the Women's Half Marathon we welcomed Lesley Bishop at the finish with a time of 2:02:47. Congrats Lesley! And our Women's 10k leader, Leah Baldwin blazed in at 1:12:53. Way to go Leah!
Thank you to all our lovely ladies for joining us and congratulations!
Women's 50k Ultra Marathon Results
BIB # | Last Name | First Name | Age Division |
Gender | TIME |
002 | Tobolske-Horn | Loretta | 40-49 | Female | 6:36:29 |
006 | Lim | Amy | 30-39 | Female | 7:15:03 |
009 | Turco | Samantha | 18-29 | Female | 7:15:03 |
Women's Marathon Results
BIB # | Last Name | First Name | Age Division |
014 | Harms | Madeline | 18-29 | Female | 5:00:58 |
011 | Haas | Lyndsey | 18-29 | Female | 5:23:36 |
001 | Malone | Christi | 40-49 | Female | 5:54:07 |
004 | Jensen | Kelly | 40-49 | Female | 6:53:53 |
008 | Monk | Jessica | 18-29 | Female | 7:25:22 |
Women's Half Marathon Results
BIB # | Last Name | First Name | Age Division |
024 | Bishop | Lesley | 30-39 | Female | 2:02:47 |
003 | Colon | Corina | 18-29 | Female | 2:15:20 |
029 | Whiting | Jilly | 50-59 | Female | 2:22:36 |
012 | carlson | marcia | 50-59 | Female | 2:30:14 |
030 | Baker | Ashley | 30-39 | Female | 2:47:58 |
019 | Rehberg | Jennifer | 40-49 | Female | 2:49:39 |
027 | Correnti | Nicole | 30-39 | Female | 2:49:46 |
010 | Schleich | Kristin | 18-29 | Female | 2:53:16 |
008 | Foley | Lauren | 30-39 | Female | 2:53:17 |
031 | Baker | Stephanie | 30-39 | Female | 2:54:45 |
013 | HarlaQuinn | Carla | 30-39 | Female | 2:55:28 |
021 | Grenier | Paula | 50-59 | Female | 3:13:54 |
022 | Hughes | Melissa | 40-49 | Female | 3:13:54 |
001 | Lundberg | Terri | 50-59 | Female | 3:14:27 |
025 | Rutherford | Ann | 30-39 | Female | 3:21:43 |
015 | Quirin | Virginia | 50-59 | Female | 3:26:06 |
020 | Gust | Kristen | 30-39 | Female | 3:26:39 |
026 | Lane-Belcher | Tracey | 40-49 | Female | 3:28:58 |
020 | Kranz | Cheri | 50-59 | Female | 4:59:32 |
Women's 10k Results
BIB # | Last Name | First Name | Age Division | Gender | TIME |
002 | Baldwin | Leah | 18-29 | Female | 1:12:53 |
013 | Stevens | Jennifer | 40-49 | Female | 1:22:53 |
008 | Schluter | Brooke | 18-29 | Female | 1:26:59 |
003 | Tyler-Richards | Caitlin | 18-29 | Female | 1:28:34 |
009 | Walsh | Eva | 18-29 | Female | 1:31:41 |
007 | Ebbers | Melissa | 40-49 | Female | 1:37:23 |
011 | Johnson | Sarah | 30-39 | Female | 1:47:46 |
012 | Purpus | Natasha | 30-39 | Female | 1:47:55 |
010 | Lasko | Emily | 30-39 | Female | 1:48:01 |
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Overall Results: DRIFTLESS 50 Trail Races 2015
Thank you to the Kickapoo Valley Reserve for the use of their beautiful trails. And thank you to our volunteers who helped mark trails, manage the aid stations, time and more. Thank you to our sponsors, Organic Valley for providing Organic Fuel and Gore-Tex Running for providing great demos of shoes. We hope to see you again in 2016. Mens, Womens and Course Record Holders coming soon. Thank you everyone!
DRIFTLESS 50k trail race 2015- RESULTS
BIB # | Last Name | First Name | Age Division |
Gender | TIME |
003 | Mata | Nathan | 30-39 | Male | 5:19:55 |
008 | Ortell | Brian | 40-49 | Male | 5:34:52 |
005 | Moeur | Jeff | 30-39 | Male | 5:51:42 |
007 | Bird | Tom | 18-29 | Male | 6:28:14 |
004 | Westby | Christopher | 30-39 | Male | 6:35:04 |
002 | Tobolske-Horn | Loretta | 40-49 | Female | 6:36:29 |
006 | Lim | Amy | 30-39 | Female | 7:15:03 |
009 | Turco | Samantha | 18-29 | Female | 7:15:03 |
001 | Scherff | Robert | 50-59 | Male | 7:21:45 |
BIB # | Last Name | First Name | Age Division |
Gender | TIME |
009 | Phillips | Simon | 40-49 | Male | 4:55:36 |
014 | Harms | Madeline | 18-29 | Female | 5:00:58 |
010 | Cain | Michael | 18-29 | Male | 5:23:36 |
011 | Haas | Lyndsey | 18-29 | Female | 5:23:36 |
005 | Syron | Eoin | 30-39 | Male | 5:35:37 |
017 | Grabhorn | Dale | 40-49 | Male | 5:37:53 |
012 | Champeau | Bill | 50-59 | Male | 5:41:04 |
015 | Storch | Jeff | 40-49 | Male | 5:41:04 |
001 | Malone | Christi | 40-49 | Female | 5:54:07 |
003 | Elstner | Brian | 18-29 | Male | 5:58:37 |
016 | Roberts | Tim | 50-59 | Male | 6:21:46 |
007 | Stumpenhorst | Dan | 50-59 | Male | 6:39:02 |
013 | Zarecki | Kevin | 50-59 | Male | 6:48:13 |
004 | Jensen | Kelly | 40-49 | Female | 6:53:53 |
002 | Peddy | Dorn | 50-59 | Male | 7:22:36 |
006 | Jordan | Josh | 18-29 | Male | 7:25:22 |
008 | Monk | Jessica | 18-29 | Female | 7:25:22 |
018 | Koel | Matt | 30-39 | Male | 7:56:45 |
BIB # | Last Name | First Name | Age Division |
Gender | TIME |
002 | Bresnahan | David | 30-39 | Male | 1:35:16 |
032 | Baker | Josh | 30-39 | Male | 1:53:51 |
017 | Keith | Russell | 40-49 | Male | 2:01:21 |
024 | Bishop | Lesley | 30-39 | Female | 2:02:47 |
018 | Wray | Ulysses | 40-49 | Male | 2:15:16 |
003 | Colon | Corina | 18-29 | Female | 2:15:20 |
011 | Ehrhardt | Vaughn | 40-49 | Male | 2:19:01 |
029 | Whiting | Jilly | 50-59 | Female | 2:22:36 |
012 | Carlson | Marcia | 50-59 | Female | 2:30:14 |
014 | Kelley | Ryan | 30-39 | Male | 2:43:35 |
023 | Schrader | Matt | 30-39 | Male | 2:43:35 |
030 | Baker | Ashley | 30-39 | Female | 2:47:58 |
019 | Rehberg | Jennifer | 40-49 | Female | 2:49:39 |
027 | Correnti | Nicole | 30-39 | Female | 2:49:46 |
028 | Chance | Jason | 30-39 | Male | 2:49:46 |
009 | Schleich | Chris | 18-29 | Male | 2:53:16 |
010 | Schleich | Kristin | 18-29 | Female | 2:53:16 |
005 | Foley | Jacob | 18-29 | Male | 2:53:17 |
008 | Foley | Lauren | 30-39 | Female | 2:53:17 |
031 | Baker | Stephanie | 30-39 | Female | 2:54:45 |
013 | HarlaQuinn | Carla | 30-39 | Female | 2:55:28 |
019 | Blanchard | Jim | 60-69 | Male | 3:04:48 |
004 | Hernandez | Felipe | 30-39 | Male | 3:13:06 |
021 | Grenier | Paula | 50-59 | Female | 3:13:54 |
022 | Hughes | Melissa | 40-49 | Female | 3:13:54 |
001 | Lundberg | Terri | 50-59 | Female | 3:14:27 |
025 | Rutherford | Ann | 30-39 | Female | 3:21:43 |
015 | Quirin | Virginia | 50-59 | Female | 3:26:06 |
016 | Quirin | Pete | 70+ | Male | 3:26:39 |
020 | Gust | Kristen | 30-39 | Female | 3:26:39 |
026 | Lane-Belcher | Tracey | 40-49 | Female | 3:28:58 |
007 | Briscoe | Jim | 50-59 | Male | 4:59:04 |
020 | Kranz | Cheri | 50-59 | Female | 4:59:32 |
BIB # | Last Name | First Name | Age Division |
Gender | TIME |
004 | Etteldorf | Michael | 18-29 | Male | 1:06:46 |
002 | Baldwin | Leah | 18-29 | Female | 1:12:53 |
015 | Leege | Patrick | 18-29 | Male | 1:13:57 |
001 | Hausfeld | Kevin | 18-29 | Male | 1:16:11 |
013 | Stevens | Jennifer | 40-49 | Female | 1:22:53 |
008 | Schluter | Brooke | 18-29 | Female | 1:26:59 |
003 | Tyler-Richards | Caitlin | 18-29 | Female | 1:28:34 |
005 | Runzel | Brent | 50-59 | Male | 1:30:32 |
014 | Grosse | Marty | 30-39 | Male | 1:31:12 |
009 | Walsh | Eva | 18-29 | Female | 1:31:41 |
007 | Ebbers | Melissa | 40-49 | Female | 1:37:23 |
006 | Lee | Toby | 50-59 | Male | 1:38:44 |
011 | Johnson | Sarah | 30-39 | Female | 1:47:46 |
012 | Purpus | Natasha | 30-39 | Female | 1:47:55 |
010 | Lasko | Emily | 30-39 | Female | 1:48:01 |
Thank You to Our Sponsors!
Friday, September 25, 2015
Food, Glorious Food! Where to Eat in the Driftless Area
Some of the most amazing places to recover your body and feed your soul are here in the Driftless Area. From the infamous Stacy's Burger at Rockton Bar to the delectable pizza (try the Giant German!) at The Blue Goose in La Farge, these unique local gems offer delicious post-race food and beverage to refuel your body. Hillsboro Brewing Company has the brew to quench your thirst! Be sure to check out these great local places for some tasty goodness.
Hillsboro, Wisconsin
La Farge, Wisconsin
S2106 24th Valley Rd.
La Farge, WI 54639
Thank you to our sponsors:

S2106 24th Valley Rd.
La Farge, WI 54639
Hillsboro, Wisconsin
186 Madison St, Hillsboro, WI 54634
Phone:(608) 489-2651
186 Madison St, Hillsboro, WI 54634
Phone:(608) 489-2651
Hillsboro, Wisconsin
1235 Water Avenue, Hillsboro, WI, 54634Thank you to our sponsors:

Saturday, September 19, 2015
DRIFTLESS 50 Trail Race Update
We are looking forward to seeing you on Saturday September 26th, 2015 at the DRIFTLESS 50k, Marathon, 1/2 Marathon, and 10k Trail Races! The race courses this year include the trails of The Kickapoo Valley Reserve and our own Cheyenne Creek Trails. Below are a few guides and suggestions for running the courses, along with detailed maps.
1. Share the Trails: The trails of both the Kickapoo Valley Reserve are shared by hikers, mountain bikers, equestrians and hunters. Please wear bright colored shirts and yield to mountain bikers and equestrians. Announce to horse riders in a clear, calm voice that you are approaching and let them pass if you do encounter them on the trail. Horses are unpredictable animals and will most likely spook at a runner. Please share the trails!
2. Headphones: I will allow headphones for all races this year, however, please be VERY aware of your surroundings while plugged in. Keep your eyes up and try to keep the volume on your device at a minimum. Remember, you will possibly be sharing the trails this year with equestrians, hikers and mountain bikers. They will most likely not see you coming!
3. Weather: The forecast for Friday & Saturday September 25-26, 2015 is shaping up to be a good one! It will probably be pretty chilly in the morning and rain might be expected. If you dress in layers, during your run, you can leave your item at any Aid Station w/ your Bib # attached for identification. Please do not discard clothing along the trail!
4. Trash & Wrappers: Please hold on to your energy supplement wrappers, kleenex, water bottles, etc etc until you arrive at an Aid Station. Please keep these trails clean. Leave no trace!
5. Hydration: I highly recommend using hand held water bottles, hydration packs and/or vests for the 50k, Marathon and Half Marathon Courses. There are 4 main Aid Stations (runners pass x2) total. 3 for the 50k, 2 for the Marathon Course and 3-4 water stops. The Half Marathon has 1 main Aid Station (runners pass x2) and 2-3 water stops. Please see maps for details and carry enough water to stay safely hydrated.
6. Aid Stations: There are 3 main Aid Stations (runners pass x2) on the 50k course plus 2-3 water stops and access to a port potty just over half way. There are 2 Main Aid Stations for the Marathon Course (runners pass x2) and 2-3 water stops. The Half Marathon has 1 main Aid Station (runners pass x2) 2-3 water stop. The 10k has 1 main Aid Station (runners pass x1) and 1 water stop. If you cannot finish the race, please notify the Aid Station Leader and the Sag Wag will come rescue you. If you need 1st Aid, there will be 1st Aid Kits available for superficial treatment (anything more serious and transport via Sag Wag to Medical Tent will be provided). Ibuprofen only available upon request!!!
Aid Stations will be stocked with but not limited to:
**50k Runners: Familiarize yourselves with the trails that will be used on your course. You are starting on Cheyenne Creek Trails and heading out to Kickapoo Valley Reserve Trails, ending back at Cheyenne Creek Camp. The trails are clearly marked, but run into many other different (not used) trails on the Reserve Course. Keep an eye out for arrows, ground paint and Blue Flags. You are finishing the race on Cheyenne Creek Trails.**
50k Trails include in this order starting on Cheyenne Creek Trails and heading out along County Rd F to...1. Hay Valley Trail (Aid Station)2. Dutch Hollow Trail (Aid Station) 3. Rockton Trail (Bike) 4. Indian Creek Trail 5. Black Hawk Rock Trail 6. Bridge 14 Trail 7. Ma & Pa's Trail 8. Hanson Rock Trail 9. West Ridge Trail (Aid Station Here on Corps Rd) 10. Old Hwy 131 Trail 11. Willow Trail 12. Ice Cave Trail 13. Little Canada Trail 14. Old 131 Trail 15. Rockton Bypass Trail 16. Rockton Trail (Aid Station) 13. Dutch Hollow Trail 14. Hay Valley Trail (Aid Station) 15. Bailout Trail 16. Billings Creek Trail 17. Hay Valley Trail and finishing back at Cheyenne Creek Camp Trails.
View 50k Trail Map Map My Run
View Kickapoo Valley Reserve Map
**Marathon Runners: Familiarize yourselves with the trails that will be used on your course. You are starting on Cheyenne Creek Trails and heading out to Kickapoo Valley Reserve Trails, ending back at Cheyenne Creek Camp. The trails are clearly marked, but run into many other different (not used) trails on the Reserve Course. Keep an eye out for arrows, ground paint and GREEN Flags. You are finishing the race on Cheyenne Creek Trails.**
Marathon Trails include in this order starting on Cheyenne Creek Trails and heading out to...1. Hay Valley Trail (Aid Station) 2. Dutch Hollow Trail 3. (Aid Station) Rockton Trail (Bike) 4. Indian Creek Trail 5. Black Hawk Rock Trail 6. Bridge 14 Trail 7. Ma & Pa's Trail 8. West Ridge Trail 9. Little Canada Trail 10. Old Hwy 131 Trail 11. Rockton Bypass Trail 12. (Aid Station) Rockton Trail 13. Dutch Hollow Trail 14. Hay Valley Trail 15. Bailout Trail 16. Billings Creek Trail (Aid Station) 17. Hay Valley Trail and finishing back at Cheyenne Creek Camp Trails.
View Kickapoo Valley Reserve Map
View Map My Run Map
**Half Marathon Runners: You are starting on Cheyenne Creek Trails and heading out to Kickapoo Valley Reserve Trails, ending back at Cheyenne Creek Camp. 1. Hay Valley Trail (Aid Station) 2. Bailout Trail 3. Billings Creek Trail 4. Hay Valley Trail (Aid Station). The trails are clearly marked, but run into many other different (not used) trails on the Reserve Course. Keep an eye out for arrows, ground paint and YELLOW Flags. You are finishing the race on Cheyenne Creek Trails.**
View Map My Run Map
View Kickapoo Valley Reserve Map
**10k Runners: You are running out on Cheyenne Creek Trails to Hay Valley and then to Kickapoo Valley Reserve Billings Creek Trail. (Aid Station) You will loop back and finish on the Cheyenne Creek Camp Trails. Your trails are marked with RED Flags, arrows and ground paint.**
View Map My Run Map
View Kickapoo Valley Reserve Map
Runners will have access to coffee, hot chocolate, pre/post race food and water coolers at the Start/Finish, Aid Stations and Water Stations. Please bring your own water bottles, hydration packs for fill ups.
We are looking for a few good volunteers! If you have family or friends coming along for support and they would like to participate as volunteers, please send them the link below. We appreciate everyone who signs up!
1. Share the Trails: The trails of both the Kickapoo Valley Reserve are shared by hikers, mountain bikers, equestrians and hunters. Please wear bright colored shirts and yield to mountain bikers and equestrians. Announce to horse riders in a clear, calm voice that you are approaching and let them pass if you do encounter them on the trail. Horses are unpredictable animals and will most likely spook at a runner. Please share the trails!
2. Headphones: I will allow headphones for all races this year, however, please be VERY aware of your surroundings while plugged in. Keep your eyes up and try to keep the volume on your device at a minimum. Remember, you will possibly be sharing the trails this year with equestrians, hikers and mountain bikers. They will most likely not see you coming!
3. Weather: The forecast for Friday & Saturday September 25-26, 2015 is shaping up to be a good one! It will probably be pretty chilly in the morning and rain might be expected. If you dress in layers, during your run, you can leave your item at any Aid Station w/ your Bib # attached for identification. Please do not discard clothing along the trail!
4. Trash & Wrappers: Please hold on to your energy supplement wrappers, kleenex, water bottles, etc etc until you arrive at an Aid Station. Please keep these trails clean. Leave no trace!
5. Hydration: I highly recommend using hand held water bottles, hydration packs and/or vests for the 50k, Marathon and Half Marathon Courses. There are 4 main Aid Stations (runners pass x2) total. 3 for the 50k, 2 for the Marathon Course and 3-4 water stops. The Half Marathon has 1 main Aid Station (runners pass x2) and 2-3 water stops. Please see maps for details and carry enough water to stay safely hydrated.
6. Aid Stations: There are 3 main Aid Stations (runners pass x2) on the 50k course plus 2-3 water stops and access to a port potty just over half way. There are 2 Main Aid Stations for the Marathon Course (runners pass x2) and 2-3 water stops. The Half Marathon has 1 main Aid Station (runners pass x2) 2-3 water stop. The 10k has 1 main Aid Station (runners pass x1) and 1 water stop. If you cannot finish the race, please notify the Aid Station Leader and the Sag Wag will come rescue you. If you need 1st Aid, there will be 1st Aid Kits available for superficial treatment (anything more serious and transport via Sag Wag to Medical Tent will be provided). Ibuprofen only available upon request!!!
Aid Stations will be stocked with but not limited to:
- Water
- Energy Drink
- Coke
- Bananas & Orange Slices
- Trail Mix
- Homemade Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (mmmmm!)
- Goodies
- Pretzels & Potato Chips
**50k Runners: Familiarize yourselves with the trails that will be used on your course. You are starting on Cheyenne Creek Trails and heading out to Kickapoo Valley Reserve Trails, ending back at Cheyenne Creek Camp. The trails are clearly marked, but run into many other different (not used) trails on the Reserve Course. Keep an eye out for arrows, ground paint and Blue Flags. You are finishing the race on Cheyenne Creek Trails.**
50k Trails include in this order starting on Cheyenne Creek Trails and heading out along County Rd F to...1. Hay Valley Trail (Aid Station)2. Dutch Hollow Trail (Aid Station) 3. Rockton Trail (Bike) 4. Indian Creek Trail 5. Black Hawk Rock Trail 6. Bridge 14 Trail 7. Ma & Pa's Trail 8. Hanson Rock Trail 9. West Ridge Trail (Aid Station Here on Corps Rd) 10. Old Hwy 131 Trail 11. Willow Trail 12. Ice Cave Trail 13. Little Canada Trail 14. Old 131 Trail 15. Rockton Bypass Trail 16. Rockton Trail (Aid Station) 13. Dutch Hollow Trail 14. Hay Valley Trail (Aid Station) 15. Bailout Trail 16. Billings Creek Trail 17. Hay Valley Trail and finishing back at Cheyenne Creek Camp Trails.
View 50k Trail Map Map My Run
View Kickapoo Valley Reserve Map
**Marathon Runners: Familiarize yourselves with the trails that will be used on your course. You are starting on Cheyenne Creek Trails and heading out to Kickapoo Valley Reserve Trails, ending back at Cheyenne Creek Camp. The trails are clearly marked, but run into many other different (not used) trails on the Reserve Course. Keep an eye out for arrows, ground paint and GREEN Flags. You are finishing the race on Cheyenne Creek Trails.**
Marathon Trails include in this order starting on Cheyenne Creek Trails and heading out to...1. Hay Valley Trail (Aid Station) 2. Dutch Hollow Trail 3. (Aid Station) Rockton Trail (Bike) 4. Indian Creek Trail 5. Black Hawk Rock Trail 6. Bridge 14 Trail 7. Ma & Pa's Trail 8. West Ridge Trail 9. Little Canada Trail 10. Old Hwy 131 Trail 11. Rockton Bypass Trail 12. (Aid Station) Rockton Trail 13. Dutch Hollow Trail 14. Hay Valley Trail 15. Bailout Trail 16. Billings Creek Trail (Aid Station) 17. Hay Valley Trail and finishing back at Cheyenne Creek Camp Trails.
View Kickapoo Valley Reserve Map
View Map My Run Map
**Half Marathon Runners: You are starting on Cheyenne Creek Trails and heading out to Kickapoo Valley Reserve Trails, ending back at Cheyenne Creek Camp. 1. Hay Valley Trail (Aid Station) 2. Bailout Trail 3. Billings Creek Trail 4. Hay Valley Trail (Aid Station). The trails are clearly marked, but run into many other different (not used) trails on the Reserve Course. Keep an eye out for arrows, ground paint and YELLOW Flags. You are finishing the race on Cheyenne Creek Trails.**
View Map My Run Map
View Kickapoo Valley Reserve Map
**10k Runners: You are running out on Cheyenne Creek Trails to Hay Valley and then to Kickapoo Valley Reserve Billings Creek Trail. (Aid Station) You will loop back and finish on the Cheyenne Creek Camp Trails. Your trails are marked with RED Flags, arrows and ground paint.**
View Map My Run Map
View Kickapoo Valley Reserve Map
Food & Drinks on Race Day:
Runners will have access to coffee, hot chocolate, pre/post race food and water coolers at the Start/Finish, Aid Stations and Water Stations. Please bring your own water bottles, hydration packs for fill ups.Volunteers:
Click Here for Volunteer Sign UpWe are looking for a few good volunteers! If you have family or friends coming along for support and they would like to participate as volunteers, please send them the link below. We appreciate everyone who signs up!
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Stay with Us in Vernon County
It really is simply a beautiful place. Home of the Driftless 50 Trail Races, our family hosts the annual trail race on the last weekend of September solely for the purpose of inviting you to experience this truly scenic area of Wisconsin and providing the opportunity to see the some of the most vibrant and beautiful fall colors in the Midwest.
We hope you will join us on the weekend of September 24th, 2016 at Cheyenne Creek Camp to enjoy the view from the Kickapoo Valley Reserve trails. To give you a better idea of where to stay and play in Vernon County, please check out the list of hotels, bed and breakfasts, inns and other unique accommodations to rest your weary feet before and after your race.
Located in Hillsboro Wisconsin, this convenient hotel has many amenities to make you comfortable before and after your Driftless 50 Trail Race. Hotel Hillsboro offers King & Queen/Double rooms, pool, hot tub, fitness room, pets allowed w/ fee, adjoining bar/restaurant provides breakfast, lunch and dinner (Beezer's). 15 minutes from Cheyenne Creek Camp.
Contact at 608-489-3000
1235 Water Avenue, Hillsboro, WI.
Call to inquire about reservations: 608-625-6222
a comfortable room and hometown amenities all within a short distance from the Driftless 50 Trail races. Contact for availability! Rooms are booking up fast.
Wilton, Wisconsin
Phone: 608-435-6525
Westby, Wisconsin
Phone: 608-634-4112
Another jem in the Driftless Area. Click on the website below to learn more about the lovely country accommodations at this comfortable bed and breakfast near the Driftless 50 Trail Race location.
Cashton, Wisconsin
Ontario, Wisconsin
Wildcat Mountain State Park
Hillsboro, Wisconsin
Make a Reservation
Hope this helps you find an awesome place to stay during race weekend. There is a lot going on up in the Driftless Area so please stay tuned for upcoming posts on where to eat, where to shop and special events happening on this same weekend. See you soon!
We hope you will join us on the weekend of September 24th, 2016 at Cheyenne Creek Camp to enjoy the view from the Kickapoo Valley Reserve trails. To give you a better idea of where to stay and play in Vernon County, please check out the list of hotels, bed and breakfasts, inns and other unique accommodations to rest your weary feet before and after your race.
Hotel Hillsboro

Contact at 608-489-3000
1235 Water Avenue, Hillsboro, WI.
Kickapoo Valley Ranch Guest Cabins
Find some of the most beautiful and comfortable accommodations at this incredible guest ranch. Located a short 10 minutes from Driftless 50 Trail Races, this 5 Star ranch will truly be a treat during your weekend stay.
La Farge, WisconsinCall to inquire about reservations: 608-625-6222
Trail-Side Bed & Breakfast
Located adjacent to the Elroy/Sparta Bike trail in Wilton, this unique bed and breakfast will offer youa comfortable room and hometown amenities all within a short distance from the Driftless 50 Trail races. Contact for availability! Rooms are booking up fast.
Wilton, Wisconsin
Phone: 608-435-6525
Westby House Inn & Restaurant
This gorgeous Victorian style inn has amazing accommodations awaiting you in lovely Westby, Wisconsin. Enjoy the entire weekend by booking your stay at this wonderful inn! Check availability..rooms will fill up fast for this weekend.Westby, Wisconsin
Phone: 608-634-4112
Country Pleasures Bed & Breakfast

Cashton, Wisconsin
Wildcat Mountain State Park
Non-elec site, fire ring, picnic table, water, possible showers. Rates: $12-$14 per night + Vehicle Day Pass ($7-$10) w/out annual pass. 5 minutes from Cheyenne Creek Camp.Ontario, Wisconsin
Wildcat Mountain State Park
Cheyenne Creek Camp
Or you can hang out with us at the camp/farm. We offer only tent camping, but you have access to port-a-potties, water, a group campfire, a grill for cooking and the opportunity to be right on time for your race! You can add tent camping for $10 a night over the weekend to your race registration or click on the link below to make a reservation.Hillsboro, Wisconsin
Make a Reservation
Hope this helps you find an awesome place to stay during race weekend. There is a lot going on up in the Driftless Area so please stay tuned for upcoming posts on where to eat, where to shop and special events happening on this same weekend. See you soon!
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